Why Should Water Heaters Be Drained Regularly?

4 years ago

Often, homeowners take their water heater for granted, only taking action when it starts having problems that temporarily force them…

Why Should You Shut Off Your Central Humidifier in the Summer?

4 years ago

A whole-house or central humidifier is a smart investment, especially if you live in a cold climate. Dry winter air…

The Outdoor AC Unit: How Much Clearance Does It Need?

4 years ago

There are many factors to take into account when having a new air conditioning system installed. How much clearance, for…

What You Should Know About Corrosion in Your Air Conditioner

4 years ago

Metal devices and appliances are often susceptible to corrosion--and your air conditioner is no exception. In fact, studies have shown…

Air Purifiers vs. Allergy Season: What You Need to Know

4 years ago

Spring will arrive soon. While we'll all be thankful to have made it through another winter—which has been brutal this…

When Should You Replace Your Air Conditioner?

4 years ago

Replacing your air conditioner isn’t as simple as replacing a smaller appliance, unless you’re using a window-type AC. But such…

Blue Is the Only Color Your Furnace Flame Should Be

4 years ago

The safe, efficient operation of your furnace can save you from a number of problems. Your household’s safety and wellbeing,…

Why Your Furnace Keeps Blowing Its Fuse

4 years ago

It’s a good idea to hire a professional to perform regular maintenance on your furnace and water heater, particularly before the…

If Your Furnace Is Leaking Water in the Winter, Here’s What to Do

4 years ago

As winter weather sets in, your furnace becomes more important than ever because you need it to keep your family…

HVAC Talk: How Heating & Cooling Systems Differ by Region

4 years ago

HVAC manufacturers design systems to meet customer demand for high-efficiency heating or cooling. When you think about it, though, HVAC…